
Welcom visit Ros Dul

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The teacher compliment

        At Sunday 3 September 2017, I study English at SDI the same every week but this week is a special day that teacher Oung Eam subject Foundation is a compliment to me about have activity in the classroom. My activities, is I have a question to ask presenter almost all present time. He said that Mr. Dul when the time exams, although he got a low score but has a question to ask.

         When teacher compliment to me is feeling happy because the teacher never compliments to someone in the classroom. I remember backward the teach reproach all students within me.

         My classmate they presentation topic about memory storage but this is a topic presentation two-time. The first, I have more question but can ask because of the time over. And the second, when they present I try to listen, while I create a new question for asking.  

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